BBR - Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research <table style="height: 142px; width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>with the High Sponsorship of C</strong><strong>PLP</strong></p> </td> <td> <p> <strong><a href="">Visit our Archive</a></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong> ISSN (electronic)</p> <p>2182-2379</p> </td> <td> <p><img src="" alt="" width="121" height="162" /></p> <p><sup>Journal DOI: <a href="">10.19277/bbr</a></sup></p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="text-align: center;"> </p> <p style="background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"><strong>Journal Information </strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research / Investigação Biomédica e Biofarmacêutica (BBR/IBB) is a peer-reviewed, bilingual, international scientific publication created primarily to foster societal progress through health-related knowledge within the Portuguese speaking countries around the world. BBR is distinguished with the High Sponsorship of CPLP (Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries). </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Health is critical for progress, and among the countries which share the Portuguese language and culture, this progress is not uniform. BBR/IBB offers the opportunity to address specific issues in these communities, by its own observers, with a permanent translational purpose to improve education and societal advancement. However, BBR/IBB is not exclusively for Portuguese speaking authors, and many of the challenges faced within the lusofone universe are shared with the rest of the world. We believe our views, experiences, and achievements – including the Portuguese speaking diaspora spread all over the world – can positively impact the world at large.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Within the fields of biomedical and biopharmaceutical sciences, the research interests of BBR/IBB are focused on environmental, social, behavioural, technological and political perspectives to promote human health and prevent disease in the individual and their communities. </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBR is an independent open-access publication, free for readers, focused in high quality research, promoting diversity, equity and equality , and guided by the highest ethical standards in human medical research.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Scope</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBR/IBB scope intends to reflect a fundamental / integrative research character, serving as a platform for knowledge exchange by publishing original papers, reviews, and case reports. BBR is focused in, but not limited to, the following subjects </p> <ul style="font-weight: 400;"> <li><strong>Behavior, Lifestyles &amp; Wellness</strong></li> <li><strong>Nutrition and Food Sciences</strong></li> <li><strong>Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology</strong></li> <li><strong>Pharmacotechnology and Nanotechnology</strong></li> <li><strong>Physiology or Medicine</strong></li> <li><strong>Health &amp; Digital Innovation</strong></li> <li><strong>Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products</strong></li> <li><strong>Technology, Sensors and Methods of Analysis</strong></li> </ul> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> At the Editor’s discretion, research on more applied topics may be included.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBR/IBB seeks to promote the application of research into practice and especially values open collaborative cross-disciplinary science. BBR welcomes papers with translational potential in biomedicine and biopharmaceutics issues, seeking research with a focus in new perceptions on structural issues impacting health policies and systems, new molecules (natural or designed) with potential to address main disease burdens, or new mechanistic insights into models or processes to study disease mechanisms with potential impact in diagnostic and/or therapeutics.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Competing Interests</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Editors do not receive any salary for their work at BBR. Even so, Editors are required to declare all relevant competing interests and are excluded from participation in the review of any submission for which they have a competing interest.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Publication Fees</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBR/IBB does not charge costs or fees for submission and publication of manuscripts from Portuguese-language speaking authors. For other authors, only an English version is required for submission. However, BBR/IBB does not accept automatic translations (GoogleTranslate, DeepL, other) meaning that the Portuguese version will be a direct responsibility of the Editorial Office. In this case, a fee will be charged to ensure that purpose [+here].</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Indexing and Archiving</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBR/IBB is present in several databases - Portuguese Medical Journals, SciElo UNIVERSIA - Portal das Universidades, LATINDEX, KOSMET Index, Thomson Reuters, PMC, , Index Copernicus, Scopus, Google Scholar, REDIB, and mEDRA, among others.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Application to other databases is in progress. </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Check publishing details including ISSN and publication quartiles for BBR/IBB [+here]+ widgets SCIMAGO.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Ethics and Good Publication Practices</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBRBBR/IBB takes very seriously all its duties and ethical responsibilities regarding all stages of publication. Our editorial options and policies are detailed [+aqui].</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">BBR/IBB is continuously working to promote diversity a concern addressed by a constant (not always well succeeded) search for authors and editors from minor or in-developing communities within the “lusofone” countries. The same awareness has shaped the expansion of our editorial board equity and equality (gender, religious, social, cultural, racial). Our publication priorities and decisions are made keeping in mind the quality, originality and utility of the submitted manuscripts. Nevertheless, we are aware that more inclusive policies are needed to modify recognised imbalances in biomedical publications. </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>ALIES</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">ALIES is a non-profit Open Access publisher supporting all researchers, with emphasis on those from Portuguese speaking countries and communities, to use biomedical and biopharmaceutical knowledge published in BBR/IBB for social progress and science dissemination.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Contact</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Visit BBR Contact page for details <a href="">[+here]</a>. </p> Biomed Biopharm Res. en-US BBR - Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research 2182-2360 <p>Please see here in detail</p> <p><a href="">Ethics and Good Publication Practice (</a></p> Book of Abstracts - Lusófona Nutrition Conference IV <p>The <strong><em>IV Jornadas Lusófonas de Nutrição</em></strong> is an academic event that aims to analyze several emerging themes in the area of nutrition sciences, highlighting the importance of nutritionists in their most distinct areas of activity, with special attention on the role of nutritionists’ clinical practice, sports and child nutrition, and politics.</p> <p>This event has the participation of several specialists in clinical nutrition, public health, and other specialties, so the presence of nutritionists, researchers, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, food engineers, and other health professionals and the agri-food industry is of particular interest.</p> Cíntia Ferreira-Pêgo Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-09-15 2024-09-15 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.336 Improvement of patients’ antibiotic adherence: a descriptive analysis of pharmacists’ interventions <p>Community and hospital pharmacists are responsible for the correct dispensation of antibiotics and patient counselling. This descriptive study aimed to identify the potentially effective pharmacists’ interventions which improved patients’ antibiotic adherence, based on the findings of a set of studies identified in a previous developed systematic review. Only controlled trials evaluating the impact of pharmaceutical interventions on patient adherence to antibiotics, i.e., intervention group vs. usual care/control group were conveniently selected. These studies were grouped and analyzed based on the distinction between trials with significant vs. non-significant improvements on patients’ adherence to antibiotics. Twenty-one trials were identified, but only 2/3 presented statistically significant results. Diverse pharmaceutical interventions significantly improved patients’ antibiotic adherence, such as structured interventions, the use of visual aids, detailed counseling, written information, call-back phone calls, or the dispensation of personalized doses of antibiotics. Reinforced pharmacist education is likely to be especially relevant in the case of complex therapies (e.g., <em>H. pylori</em> treatment) and/or low literacy patients. In conclusion, structured and/or reinforced pharmaceutical interventions can significantly improve patients’ antibiotic adherence in community or hospital pharmacies, according to some of the analyzed studies.</p> Carla Pires Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.337 Asymmetric Adler-Becker reaction – an open issue <p>The Adler-Becker reaction, described in the 1970s, plays a crucial role in the total synthesis of numerous natural products This reaction describes the transformation of salicylic alcohols into spiroepoxydienones through oxidative dearomatization. Despite its widespread use, the literature lacks a description of the chiral version of this reaction. In this study, we detail several attempts to achieve asymmetry, utilizing a biphasic solvent system with various potential chiral phase transfer catalysts (including chinchonine and sparteine). Additionally, we explored periodate salts with chiral cations and sodium periodate immobilized in a chiral cationic resin. Although the desired enantioselectivity remained elusive, we believe that this work can contribute to the scientific community, as it can serve as a guiding reference for exploring novel chiral approaches in this reaction.</p> Andreia Rosatella Carlos A. M. Afonso Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.334 Protective and anti-inflammatory effects of a dermocosmetic formulation containing a combination of vitamins <p>The exposome accelerates the skin aging process, highlighting the need to use cosmetics capable of repairing the damage and maintaining the skin's physiological conditions. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the potential anti-inflammatory and protective action of a dermocosmetic formulation combination of vitamins. For this, a gel-cream formulation added or not with 3% of ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate and 1% of D-panthenol was developed. The stability and sensory properties of these formulations were evaluated. In addition, a short-term clinical efficacy study of the formulations was carried out for 7 days. After this period, measurements were taken in terms of transepidermal water loss and blood microcirculation by Laser Doppler at the initial time and after the application of methyl nicotinate. The results showed that the formulations remained stable during the study period and showed pseudoplastic non-Newtonian behavior. In addition, the association of vitamins was effective in the protection of the skin against the effects of methyl nicotinate by reducing blood microcirculation, which suggests that the active substances in combination can have an anti-inflammatory and protective action on the skin barrier function.</p> Laura Noronha Favaro Patricia Maia Campos Leticia Kakuda Luis Monteiro Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-07-28 2024-07-28 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.335 Looking for early indicators of vascular modification in young healthy tobacco smokers <p>Cigarette smoking is a main risk factor for cardiovascular disease but early indicators of damage specially in young smokers with no clinical evidence of impairment are lacking. Our study identifies adaptive responses in young smokers following a Reactive Hyperemia (RH) maneuver and compares those responses with an equivalent non smoker group. The study respected all principles of good clinical practice, involved 42 healthy volunteers (21 smokers, 21 non-smokers), with similar anthropometric data, except for smoking habits. Smokers were mostly (17/21) mild, according with the calculated smoker index, started this regular consumption for 11.1±4.5 years ago. RH was obtained by applying a suprasystolic pressure to one of the participants' arms for 2 minutes. Perfusion was measured in the third finger on the ipsilateral side. Perfusion early recovery after occlusion was significantly faster in non-smokers (***p&lt;0.0001 compared with non-smokers. These differences were attributed to smoking, suggesting that even in the absence of any clinical expression, the reflex adaptive responses evoked by RH in both groups are already different. These results justify further studies to better understand the early subclinical impacts of smoking on healthy individuals.</p> Sergio Fallone Andrade Luis Monteiro Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.333 Neocarya macrophylla (Chrysobalanaceae): Review on taxonomy, ethnobotany, phytochemistry and biological activities <p>The <em>Neocarya macrophylla</em> plant is used traditionally for food, medicinal, spiritual and industrial purposes. It is also used as a soap, dye, glue, fodder, termite repellent, firewood and for structural materials. Few studies on the physicochemical, nutritional content, phytochemical and pharmacological activities have validated the benefits of <em>N. macrophylla</em> to humanity as a food, in cosmetics or pharmaceutical products. The major bioactive constituents identified in the plant so far are steroids and flavonoids,such as, stigmasterol, quercetin, catechin and its related glycosides, as well as glucosamines. Extracts of the plant have shown good antivenom, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimycobacterial, anthelmintic and antioxidant activities. Acute toxicity studies conducted have confirmed the plant to be toxic. More studies on the plant are required in order to exploit other biological activities as claimed by traditional healers and also to isolate more bioactive compounds. In addition, the safety and tolerability assessment of <em>N. macrophylla</em> should be undertaken due to its widespread usage.</p> Amina Jega Yusuf Musa Ismail Abdullahi Abubakar Alhaji Muhammad Kasimu Ghandi Ibrahim Hajara Adamu Wasagu Florencia Z. Bräuning Gabrielle Bangay Patricia Rijo Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.331 Review on Eyelash Extensions: Methods, Safety, and Aesthetic Considerations <p>Eyelash extensions have gained popularity as a non-invasive cosmetic procedure, aiming to enhance the length and thickness of natural eyelashes. Despite their widespread use, scientific exploration into the methods, safety considerations, and aesthetic implications of eyelash extensions remains limited. This study conducts a comprehensive literature review to analyze the current state of scientific literature on the eyelash extension industry, identifying gaps for future research.</p> <p>In this study, there is an emphasis on the importance of adhesive properties, drying time, and safety considerations in the evolution of eyelash extension materials. Safety concerns associated with eyelash extensions side effects exist and a legislation for adequate professional training, and hygiene standards is needed. Aesthetic considerations delve into cultural and personal preferences, exploring the relationship between lash aesthetics, self-esteem, body image, and social perceptions. In conclusion, as eyelash extensions continue to be a prevalent trend worldwide, there is a necessity for extensive research to inform professionals and clients about potential risks and benefits. Further investigations in safety standards, application techniques, and aesthetic implications will contribute to the advancement of beauty science and the informed decision-making of individuals seeking eyelash enhancements, making the procedure safer and even more popular.</p> Maísa Oliveira de Melo Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-05-12 2024-05-12 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.332 Exploring Telerehabilitation with Clynx® Platform: Usability and Impact Assessment <p>Telerehabilitation offers a transformative approach to physiotherapy, offering convenience, practicality, and sustainability. This paper presents a clinical study conducted at Unidade Local de Saúde do Oeste, in Portugal, involving 37 physiotherapy patients with chronic shoulder pain who utilized the Clynx® Platform for an average of 15.22 home-based sessions. Analysis of physiotherapist login data and patient travel data allowed for evaluation of platform usability, physiotherapist time management, and environmental impact. Patients highlighted schedule flexibility and time optimization as primary advantages, with 36.85% of sessions occurring on weekends and after hours, catering especially to busy professionals. In this study, telerehabilitation saved over 12,000 kilometres of travel and related expenses, while reducing carbon emissions by over 1.30 tons. The Clynx® Platform optimized physiotherapist-patient time management, saving approximately 45.30% of time in mild patient care, which could be redirected to more acute cases, potentially alleviating waiting lists in public hospitals. Telerehabilitation demonstrated positive impacts on usability, socioeconomic factors, and environmental indicators for both patients and healthcare professionals, driving the digitization of physiotherapy towards efficient, sustainable, and patientcentric care. This study underscores telerehabilitation as a promising avenue for the future of physiotherapy.</p> Irina Esteves Lopes Maria Leonor Adrião Paulo Clemente Hugo Plácido da Silva Gil Dias Gonçalo Chambel Joana Figueiredo Pinto Copyright (c) 2024 CC BY-NC (Creative commons) distribution license 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 21 1 10.19277/bbr.21.1.329